Thank You to the Pre-Term Labor & Delivery Teams
- Author: Savannah L
- Date Submitted: Mar 24, 2022
- Category: Obstetrics

“ The fact that so many remembered and cared enough to check in and want to see our little baby warms my heart! I truly believe without the swift and excellent care of Dr. Blackwell, Dr. Kuper and your team of Labor and Delivery nurses our story could have ended up very differently!!!”
I just wanted y'all to know how thankful and blessed I am for Dr. Blackwell and your Labor and Delivery Nurses!
I am a patient of Dr. Dustin Blackwells. December 30th, at 23/24 weeks pregnant I started experiencing what I thought maybe contractions, but convinced myself they probably were not and I was just over reacting. Early that day (6am) I went to the hospital to get checked out thinking I'd be home in a few hours. I cannot even begin to describe what wonderful, loving care I received that day. Shortly after I got there and realized yes, these were real contractions the team of nurses and Dr. Blackwell swooped into action. Dr. Blackwell was already on the floor for a C-section and came in multiple times to check on me while waiting on results of test being ran.
At this point, I still didn't realize the severity of the situation. I'll never forget Dr. Blackwell coming back with the results of the preterm labor test and a plan of action, he was breathless having ran from his office. He had a quick plan of action and said I needed transferred to Deaconess Women's. Within seconds his team of nurses started IV's and new medicine to help stop labor. Dr. Blackwell had already been on the phone with Dr. Kuper at Deaconess Women's Hospital and the Maternal Transport Ambulance was on the way. As we were processing all this and the fear of a very premature baby as the nurses did their job they all showed me how much they truly cared. The rubbed my arms, held my hands, and hugged me as I cried.
We were able to safely get to Deaconess where Dr. Kuper's team was able to help continue to stop labor and monitor Baby Bo. After ringing in the New Year there we were released but unfortunately only for 24 hours before I began then leaking amniotic fluid. Back to Deaconess we went prepared to stay for quite a while at this point. We were told that evening to prepare for a birth within 24 hours at only 24 weeks. Also, we were told the devastating health issues our son would face being born this early. Thankfully, my amniotic sac sealed back up and I was released again a few days later.
We were still told the chances of having a premature baby were very high and no one expected me to go past 34 weeks if we were that lucky. Under the care of Dr. Kuper and Dr. Blackwell, who always communicated with each other (I was under both their care until 32 weeks when it would have been safe to deliver Bo here) I was able to make it 39 weeks and deliver a beautiful 8lb baby boy! I am still amazed at all the nurses who remembered at scare on December 30th and came in to check on us and see our full term baby! So many commented how they never thought we'd make it this far into pregnancy due to our preterm labor!