Mothers who make every effort to take the best care of their child during
pregnancy, baby’s first year and throughout their childhood deserve
to be rewarded, regardless of race, color, religion, disability or income.
Grow Up With Good Samaritan is a program designed to decrease infant mortality and increase the health of your little one. Being a member of this program entitles you to free car seats for the rest of your child’s life - while they need a car seat or booster.
When your baby outgrows their infant seat or is ready for a booster, just call 812-885-3369 to make an appointment with one of our Certified Passenger Safety Technicians (CPST). Our CPST will fit your child with a brand new car seat appropriate for their weight and height. Grow Up With Good Samaritan child members will receive appropriate car seats until such time that they reach 4 feet 9 inches or between 8 and 12 years old to ride comfortably in the vehicle wearing a lap and shoulder seat belt.
At one year old, your child can become a member of Grow Up With Good Samaritan, which entitles them to complimentary car seats installed by Good Samaritan Passenger Safety Technicians until such time your child is able to safely sit in the seat with normal shoulder and lap belt.