We love our community, with its unique location along the Wabash River. Vincennes has a charming Main Street, lined with historic homes and shops, and the premier Vincennes University, Indiana’s first college. However, our community extends beyond Vincennes, including such nearby communities as Bicknell, Wheatland and Monroe City in Indiana and Lawrenceville in Illinois. All have their own appeals and rich histories.
Good Samaritan is committed to the health and care of all residents of southwestern Indiana and southeastern Illinois, even before they need hospital treatment. We hold community screenings for high blood pressure, diabetes, and other worrisome conditions throughout the year and also sponsor continuing education opportunities. In addition, residents can browse our online health library, and students age 16 and older interested in health careers can sign up for a shadowing experience in a wide range of hospital departments.
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The people you know. The care you trust. Contact our team at Good Samaritan today to learn more about our community programs and initiatives.