Elizabeth Wise, APRN

About Elizabeth

Elizabeth (Betsy) Wise is a Neurovascular Nurse Practitioner who has recently joined the team at RBI to deliver both inpatient and outpatient care at Good Samaritan Hospital. Betsy specializes in acute stroke evaluation and management, as well as in outpatient stroke prevention.

Previously, Betsy dedicated over 20 years to building and maintaining a stroke program at the University of Louisville Hospital. There, she managed a post-stroke and cerebrovascular clinic, provided telemedicine services throughout Kentucky and Indiana, and offered inpatient neurovascular care. She also trained neurology residents in neurovascular care from admission to discharge, including stroke hospital policies and protocols. Additionally, she participated in nationally recognized cerebrovascular clinical trials as both a primary and co-investigator. For several years, she hosted a clinical training site for Netsmart fellows for Advanced Practice Providers at the University of Louisville Hospital.

  • College
  • Western Kentucky University Bachelor of Science, Nursing
    Bowling Green, KY
  • University of Louisville Master of Science, Family Nurse Practitioner
    Louisville, KY