Benjamin Krasin, MD

About Benjamin

Benjamin Krasin, MD, has joined the medical staff of Apogee Physicians, a hospitalist group that sees Good Samaritan patients while they are in the hospital. He has always had a desire to help people. That quality combined with the love of solving puzzles, helped him decide he wanted to be a physician. “I wanted to have meaning derived from my work,” said Dr. Krasin. “And you can’t be a physician without the desire to help people.” Offering a broad spectrum of care, he chose to pursue the specialty of Internal Medicine. Dr. Krasin completed his residency in Indiana and enjoyed the community hospital setting. Dr. Krasin and his wife, Kateryna, currently live in Evansville, Indiana. In his free time, he enjoys playing chess, poker, basketball and skiing. He also loves to read, study philosophy and inventions. At home, he spends a great amount of time with his German Shepards and his kittens.