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Masking Policy

Beginning February 8, 2023 Masking is optional at Good Samaritan facilities. Please see Green status guidelines below.

The CDC has recently made updates to its Interim Infection prevention and Control Recommendations for Healthcare Personnel During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Going forward, Good Samaritan will determine universal masking requirements based on the COVID-19 Community Level Status in Knox County as determined via CDC Data Tracker.

The status of masking will be reviewed each Monday and communication sent if any changes are necessary. The following guidelines will be used for each Community Level Status color:


  • OPTIONAL masking will be allowed in ALL AREAS of Good Samaritan.
  • This includes patients, visitors, vendors and business partners.
  • Our visitation policy has not changed nor are there anticipated changes as a result of this CDC guidance.


  • Universal Masking will be required in ALL PATIENT CARE AREAS within all Good Samaritan facilities including ambulatory offices.
  • Universal Masking will be required in ALL COMMON AREAS at Good Samaritan Hospital campus.
  • OPTIONAL masking will be allowed in ALL NON-PATIENT FACING AREAS (e.g., clinical departments with restricted access, administrative areas, non-clinical departments, etc.).


  • Universal Masking will be required in ALL PATIENT FACING AREAS within Good Samaritan Hospital and Ambulatory Good Samaritan locations.
  • Universal Masking will be required in ALL COMMON AREAS at Good Samaritan Hospital campus.
  • Universal Masking will be required in ALL PATIENT FACING and NON-PATIENT FACING AREAS of Good Samaritan Hospital campus.

Other Factors:

  • While Good Samaritan will closely follow the CDC Data Tracker as a guiding data point, other factors such as workforce impact from COVID-19 or Inpatient COVID admissions will also be evaluated for determining the appropriate level of source control measures such as masking that will be expected.
  • Individuals returning from COVID infection or exposure will work directly with the Employee Health office for guidance on masking expectations to return. The work environment and details of the infection or exposure will make this a case by case determination.
  • This communication DOES NOT pertain to infection prevention activities that are part of the individualized care plan such as isolation status should be strictly adhered to by the respective care team.
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