Be Fast 5K

In an effort to raise stroke awareness in Knox and surrounding counties, Good Samaritan Stroke Services is once again organizing the BE FAST 5K, sponsored in large part by First Vincennes Savings Bank. The funds raised from this event last year helped us provide cardiac rehab sessions, blood pressure cuffs, pedometers and other medical supply needs for stroke patients.

Event Flyer

OCTOBER 29, 2022

7:30 to 8 a.m. - Registration
8 to 8:10 a.m. - Opening Ceremony
8:10 to 8:30 a.m. - Honor Walk
8:30 a.m. - 5K Run Begins
8:40 a.m. - 1 Mile Run / Walk Begins
10 a.m. - Awards / Closing Remarks

Vincennes Lincoln High School - 1545 S. Hart Street Road - Vincennes, IN

Those who sign up by September 16 will be guaranteed a t-shirt and goodie bag. Sign up below to ensure you are registered in time!

5K: $45
1 Mile Run / Walk: $25

Fill out your information below to register!

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Awards will be given for the top female and male runner. Medals will also be given to first, second and third place runners in each age group. Please contact Erika Watts by email at ewatts@gshvin.orgwith any questions.

Interested In Being A Sponsor? Click Here To Submit Your Information And Someone From Our Sponsorship Committee Will Be In Touch With You. You Can Learn More About Our Sponsorship Opportunities By Viewing Our Flyer Here.