It is Good Samaritan's policy that all community support, be it monetary, supplies or services be evaluated to determine if the organization or event: 1) promotes wellness; 2) meets the mission of the hospital; 3) meets community health needs assessment goals; 4) is given in response to a national, regional or local disaster; or 5) supports community-wide endeavors that will improve the lives and livelihood of the communities served by Good Samaritan. The hospital's mission and its role as a corporate citizen will serve as a guide in the determination of sponsorship approval. The hospital defines wellness as any event, service or supply that promotes healthy lifestyles through education or physical activities or improves the health status of the communities served by the hospital. Click here to see our Sponsorship Score Sheet. This sheet is utilized to review requests. Requests must have a score of 11 or higher to be considered.
Our Sponsorship Committee meets on a monthly basis to review requests. All requests will receive a determination letter from the Good Samaritan Marketing Department within 10 business days of decision. All persons, groups, organizations, or entities requesting donations must send their request in writing to:
Good Samaritan
Attention: Marketing Department
520 S. Seventh Street
Vincennes, IN 47591
You may also complete your request electronically by click here.