The DAISY Award was established by the DAISY Foundation in memory of J. Patrick Barnes who died at 33 of ITP, an auto-immune disease. The Barnes Family was awestruck by the clinical skills, caring and compassion of the nurses who cared for Patrick, so they created this national award to say thank you to nurses everywhere.
Fill out a nomination form here! Nomination forms are also located in patient areas in the hospital.
DAISY Awards will be presented around the 15th of every month to a nurse whose clinical skill and especially his/her compassionate care exemplify the kind of nurse that our patients, their families, and our staff recognizes as an outstanding role model.
Nominations are due by the 1st of each month and can be returned to any DAISY Award nomination box or to Nursing Administration. Winners of The DAISY Award will receive a certificate, a hand-carved statue, a daisy pin and cinnamon rolls for his/her unit. If you have any questions please call 812-885-3314.